
This at-home retreat includes self massage & self soothing techniques, slow flow and restorative yin yoga, spoken word poetry and an online workbook with journal prompts. We have also curated a playlist and recipe for you to immerse yourself in a retreat experience at home.


Everything you need to retreat


This at home retreat is a curated care package to support you in softening.


Self massage, slow flow & restorative yin yoga classes

Self massage and self soothing techniques for calming the nervous system. A gentle slow flow practice and a restorative yin yoga sequence for encouraging deep sleep.


Warming plant based recipe & curated playlist

An ambient playlist to compliment your yoga practice or to have in the background while you cook a warming plant based meal in the comfort of your home.

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Spoken word poem & journal prompts

A recorded spoken word poem and discussion about the theme of softening. As well as a workbook with journal prompts for further exploring softness in your own time.


Care for yourself and care for others

As a commitment to ‘paying the rent’ with respect to the rightful indigenous land owners in Australia and in recognition of indigenous sovereignty, 10% of your investment will go to the Children’s Ground fund, helping at-risk aboriginal communities during covid-19.

Book your at-home retreat today

We offer concession and non-concession prices.

The online retreat is free for anyone who is not currently receiving an income.

If that is you please get in touch at

from A$30.00

Included in this at-home retreat:

  • 2 x on-demand yoga classes

  • Curated music playlist

  • Original reading and audio content

  • 1 x recipe

  • 10% of revenue donated to support our community partner

Gift Card For a Small Beyond At-home Retreat

Purchasing this digital gift card creates a unique code. The gift card recipient can enter this code at checkout to subtract the gift card value from their order total.

This gift card never expires.