Welcome to Holding Space

On-demand, pre-recorded somatic content for healthy adaptive nervous system regulation and vagal tone.


Somatic Practices

Below you will find a library of somatic practices. These practices have shown to increase heart-rate variability and stimulate vagal tone. Practicing some of these tools for 1-5mins per day can increase our ability to move flexibly between states of activation (stress and excitement) and down regulation (rest, safety and social engagement) without feeling overwhelmed.

The practices are trauma-informed and use invitational language to encourage a sense of agency and freedom in the way that you practice. We recorded these videos on Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Country, and pay our reverence to the living landscape and traditional custodians who continue to share practices of care, healing and embodiment today.


Recording of Week Four

Orienting towards pleasure, ease and creativity


Standing practice

5 minute standing movement practice including bamboo sways, jiggling and spinal rolls. Shifting between gentle sympathetic tone (activation) in the nervous system towards parasympathetic tone (down regulation).


Self massage and tapping

3 minute video tapping along the vagas nerve pathways in the face, followed by self massage and body brushing for parasympathetic tone (down regulation).



Weight therapy and inversions

5 minute practice of weight therapy and inversions for parasympathetic tone (down regulation), promoting rest and relaxation in the nervous system.



Body tapping and brushing

3 minute whole body tapping and brushing method for increasing sympathetic tone (activation) as well as blood circulation, focus and aliveness in the body.


Progressive muscle relaxation

5 minute progressive muscle relaxation you can use before sleep or rest to allow the body to release any bracing patterns and increase access to rest and relaxation.